Monday, July 27, 2009


I love the sense of nostalgia that I am currently engulfed in yet it floods my mind with things that I am not yet prepared to trade away.  Never to trade away forever, but moreso saying goodbye to wonderful memories of the past seven months in exchange for the future that has been laid before me.  The heart requires love to pulse through its veins in order to allow one to thrive.. and I feel that I have been loved and I can say I have equally loved.  I cannot remember a time when I have loved something more.  When you find the source of this affection in Christ, everything becomes more vibrant.. emotions, surroundings, senses, it all.  As I embark on this journey, the destination is the heart of it all.. the heart of the Father.. and the memories will only blossom more fervently in the process.


  1. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions--it is by grace you have been saved And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus... (Ephesians 2:4)

    I think you are "alive in Christ" and that makes all the difference in how you see the world - through His eyes.

    So fun to have spent part of this journey with you... even a small part.

    Blessings as you close one door and open another.


  2. Tori, everytime I read something you've written, I am blown away by your creative ability to paint a picture through your words. It is obvious that you have grown tremendously in your love of God and in your faith. I am so very proud of you in your decision to follow God's leading in putting all of your trust in Him. He is going to do powerful things through you and the others that have chosen to be a part of YWAM Boston. I can't wait to see you just a little over 24 hours from now but already sad to know another good-bye is in the near future. But it is all for God and He makes everything good! Love ya oodles x 2!
