Thursday, April 29, 2010


Where is the balance? Between a heart that screams for your desires, a soul that yearns a greater call and a mind that halts all movement. The inner struggle that consumes longs to force fear and doubt into the truth that was so freely given.. this is the battle, one birthed at the beginning of time. The enemy lives for nothing more than to see us paralyzed, apathetic at best until life itself slips from our grip. But my God will not stand for this.. No, He is far more than the powers of this world and already has the victory. So I will press on and hold His heart as the promise of a life He has well kept for me. A greater day where all is restored back to His all-consuming compassion and favor. And the beautiful thing is that Satan hates nothing more than when we take our sorrows and turn them into joy. We have known no pain as great as our Savior's. Step out and take a risk because Christ risked it all upon the cross.

But in every way we show we are servants of God: in accepting many hard things, in troubles, in difficulties, and in great problems... We show we are servants of Christ by our pure lives, our understanding patience and kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by true love, by speaking the truth, and by God's power. We use our right living to defend ourselves against everything.
2 Corinthians 6:4, 6:6-7