Saturday, May 8, 2010


Conviction is something that has quickly become a constant in my life.. much different than it's counterpart of guilt, God uses it to challenge and refine us. The pounding of my heart as the realization takes full hold of emotion reminds me that being in God's will is not for the weak or faint of heart. As His unending love seeps into the depths of our reality, we cannot help but begin the painful transformation into a sold-out follower of Christ, our example. This life does not come without burden, but promises a horizon of challenges, pain and temptation. I can think of nothing more that I would long to pursue than to be purged of these shortcomings and made blameless in the sight of my heavenly Father, a daughter worthy of love. But that's the beauty of grace.. the fact that I will never achieve perfection and will always be stained and worthless by comparison is the manifestation of the love so freely given. God is the essence of all that is holy, true and right.. I am nothing. But where my nothing is offset by His everything, a collision of mercy, love and righteousness meets my filth and I am lovingly reconciled to my Maker.

Isaiah 1 will tear you up.