Thursday, December 11, 2008

My First Blogging Experience.. I'm slightly Nervous


So I must say that I am new to the blogging scene. However, I figured I had better jump on the bandwagon seeing as I'm out of Wyoming in a month and I've got to have a way of connecting with people. Although I find it quite odd; it's like giving someone the key to your diary...

And so it began. Last month, I was accepted into Youth With a Mission's (YWAM) Discipleship Training School (DTS) in Boston, MA after months of anxiety and utter frustration. I know, get used to the lingo, I will be using it a lot. In the weeks following my acceptance, I had mounds of paperwork to complete and lots of favors to re-ask people that have already done amazing things for me in the process, not to mention the question of money arose.. It's always around to rain on a good parade.

After finalizing the mandatory, uninteresting portions of the acceptance packet, it was time to move onto the fun stuff. Since yesterday, I have found two people that will also be packing all of their belongings and departing to Boston on January 14, 2009, and I must say that I already feel a strong connection to each of them. Kirstie is already sounding like an old friend and we even have an inside joke.. No, I can't put in on here because then it would no longer be exclusive =]

So here I sit, counting down the days until I can live this ordinary life behind and trade it in for a faith and experience with God that will be nothing short of extraordinary. God's left this fire in my heart that's about to consume me and I'm ready to put it to good use. I know that my time in Boston will not be easy, but that's not what I'm looking for. I'm ready to be stretched and tested beyond what I could have ever imagined because I know that will bring me ever closer to a God I am yearning to know.

So cheerio, lovely readers. May you be continually blessed.


  1. YAY!!!! Tori i am so happy for you, it will be an experience you can cherish for the rest of your life!

  2. yaayyyyy!!!! i will definitely be reading you blog! so exciting.

  3. I am sooooo excited for you and I know God is happy you're joining His team in Boston. I will miss you oodles and oodles! But it's cool that I can see what you're up to on this blog and it should cut down on the number of times I need to call you... your Dad is another story though! We love you!
