Monday, December 22, 2008

The World: Revamped

What does it take to be brilliant? be luminous? be compassionate?

Upon reading UnChristian the other day, I stumbled across an interesting point:

"...Non-believers that feel rejected by Christians will equally reject Jesus..."

Words often used to describe Christians include hypocritical, too political, judgemental, and inconsiderate among thousands of other less than polite adjectives. I can't help but think that we all contribute to these negative views when we let our guard down. All it takes is one wrong move or a curse to leave our lips to turn others away from God, a God that will never let us down.

Furthermore, just as an "un-Christian" move can turn others away from Christ, an "overly-Christian" attitude can have the same effect. That is where the words judgemental and inconsiderate come into play. By looking someone in the eye and condemning them to hell doesn't make you a great evangelist. You may think that you are helping them to see the results of their ways when in reality you are scaring them away from a loving and compassionate God that will forgive every ill action that any and all of us have committed. As Christians, I feel that we often forget that we all come from the same background, the same essential starting point.

"...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God..." Romans 3:23

The beauty of our God is that He can restore our hearts and our souls if we allow Him to. We must set ourselves apart, not as arrogant Christians who place ourselves on a pedestal above non-believers, but as humble servants of the Lord. We must be willing to serve Jesus Christ as well as fellow man, man who does not yet see the truth of the Lord. We must be compassionate, understanding, and willing to paint a portrait of Christ here on the earth with our actions, our words, and our attitudes.

I don't want to be another negative statistic. My heart is for the world, the world that God molded with his hands, and for all people, regardless of their beliefs.

What does it take to be brilliant?

The savior, Jesus Christ.


  1. how do I become a follower?

    hmm I'm excited for you Tori. It's so cool how much you love God. I will miss you but you will be leading such and awe-some life I can't even believe it.
