Saturday, May 23, 2009

Holy Junk!

So we've just wrapped up our outreach in Belfast, Northern Ireland and God rocked us all. We saw 329 first time salvations and 22 re-dedications to Christ.. Jesus is so rad. The people in Belfast were so open and friendly and I loved every minute of witnessing.

We're currently in Glasgow, Scotland and have been having a great time. We performed our drama and dances in the streets today for over a thousand people and were able to speak of God's love to many people. Tonight, we went to a park and witnessed to the kids hanging out there which was amazing.

I just have to mention that the girls and I have fashioned mattresses of out of folding chairs, nursery blankets and clothing donations from Elim Church where we are staying (we are in a Sunday school room).. Heidy, Katie and Javian are sleeping in a children's play place with a ball pit, and the boys are shacking up in the sanctuary. I find it quite comical.. but we are SO blessed; I'm lovin' every minute of the missionary life.

I'll try to update later on.
Love you all.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane.

Tomorrow, my entire Creative Arts in Worship DTS team is flying into Dublin, Ireland and taking a bus to Belfast to begin our epic United Kingdom outreach..  with nothing but a hiking backpack.. oh yeah, and thousands of bits of team equipment :] I am stoked beyond all reason to live it up hippie style for a bit, takin' it to the streets and am looking forward to see God move in amazing ways.  From there, we're headed to Edinburgh and Glasgow, Scotland and London, England.  We've got a lot planned for street evangelism: Doors drama, hip-hop dances, worship music and our production Encounter which we had our first performance of on Friday night and it continues to blow my mind.  (you can read about it at

Jesus never ceases to amaze me, if I haven't stated that enough.
Please keep my team and the people of the UK in your prayers..
I may be on here occasionally if we stop by internet cafes
but other than that,
I'm chillin' with Jesus,
and my outrageous team.

Peace and Love to all.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I'm not gonna lie, I'm having a really rough day.

Society tells us that expressing emotion is okay as long as they are happy, joyful, etc. but they shun any sign of showing that you are upset, frustrated, mad, etc.  Today I am tired, frustrated, at the end of my rope and I have to vent.  I feel so overwhelmed and the emotions hit me like a tidal wave with absolutely no warning.  We leave for outreach on Monday and for some reason, I don't even want to go anymore.. I have nothing ready to go, I don't feel prepared and my finances are completely drained.  I currently have no motivation.  I am feeling extremely low and I keep coming up with reasons to miss anything and everything back home.

I know that I need to trust God even in my lowest of lows and I'm trying.
He will come through, he always does.
He is faithful and loving even when all human logic says I don't deserve it.

Thank you for reading and I apologize for my extreme bluntness.