Thursday, May 7, 2009


I'm not gonna lie, I'm having a really rough day.

Society tells us that expressing emotion is okay as long as they are happy, joyful, etc. but they shun any sign of showing that you are upset, frustrated, mad, etc.  Today I am tired, frustrated, at the end of my rope and I have to vent.  I feel so overwhelmed and the emotions hit me like a tidal wave with absolutely no warning.  We leave for outreach on Monday and for some reason, I don't even want to go anymore.. I have nothing ready to go, I don't feel prepared and my finances are completely drained.  I currently have no motivation.  I am feeling extremely low and I keep coming up with reasons to miss anything and everything back home.

I know that I need to trust God even in my lowest of lows and I'm trying.
He will come through, he always does.
He is faithful and loving even when all human logic says I don't deserve it.

Thank you for reading and I apologize for my extreme bluntness.

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