Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hey from Walsall

Hey Y'all,

(Yes I have picked up a southern accent living with a Texan and a Georgian-- don't know if that's what you really call a girl from Georgia :])
We've been in the UK for almost a month now and we have seen 1,001 first time commitments to Jesus and something over 30 re-dedications. It's been amazing.

Since we've been in Walsall, England, we've been in the schools running their RE classes (religious education) and just chillin' with the kids telling them all about Jesus.. eating school lunch again and what not, I never thought I'd have that again! It blows my mind that we can even mention God in a public school seeing as that would never happen in America so it's been a huge blessing.. we're even allowed to pray with them.

Today, we have the day off so our team is hopping on a train to Birmingham, England to do some fun stuff and eat "tea" (the equivalent of American dinner.. only English lunch is called "dinner") and finally be reunited with the the other half of my YWAM family; our team was split in half to be able to reach two separate schools. It'll be brilliant to be able to chill and relax before we head off to Edinburgh, Scotland on Tuesday.

So this is pretty much the final countdown..
2 more days in Walsall and 10 in Edinburgh until we're back in the States.

Miss you all,
hopefully I'll be able to get on here again.

1 comment:

  1. good to hear from you Tori! Over 1000 people will be in Heaven because of you and your team! PRAISE GOD! That is so amazing!Enjoy the rest of your trip.
