Sunday, June 14, 2009

Oh boy.
I am currently chillin' with my team in Edinburgh, Scotland seeking refuge from the rain.
Today was absolutely amazing-- we've been partnering with the Rock Elim Church here and they have such a passion for reaching their city.. they put on a giant party in the Meadows (a huge park) with a bouncy castle, face painting, live music and free food.
We barbecued Scot-style.. downpour, trashbag fashion, soggy buns and all but the people kept coming.
God worked in amazing ways despite the rain and we had a wonderful time.
I'll be sad to leave Scotland on Thursday..
God has changed all of us in too many ways to count and I am so blessed to know have this team in my life.
I love telling people about Jesus.. before, I was far too shy and nervous to even utter his name among strangers but God placed a passion in my heart that is burning out of control to tell others about his unfathomable love and grace.
I will be forever changed through this experience.
Christ is worth it all and more..

"The salvation of a single soul is more important than the production and preservation of all of the epics and tragedies in the world."

1 comment:

  1. Tori, I am so proud of you and the huge steps you have made in the name of Jesus. To be unafraid and unashamed is a powerful, powerful tool in evangelizing to the lost. What a gift you have gained! You are making a difference in the eternal lives of so many people. AMAZING! Love you and can't wait to talk to you when you get back in the states.
