Thursday, July 8, 2010

Here it goes..

I am tired of living a life of mediocrity. Always saying, "I'll start that tomorrow.." or "maybe someday.." It's time for today.. for a change that will last, something sustainable. So here I will document my journey, my struggles, and my triumphs through Christ.

The Breakdown--
1. Gluttonous & Out of Shape-- This is an area I have struggled with for years. To begin with, I am lactose intolerant, sensitive to sugar, and turn to food for just about everything. God has really highlighted gluttony as a major shortcoming in my relationship with Him and I'm sick of it. I am 20 years old and feel like I'm 40..
2. Lame Relationship with Jesus-- Since returning from YWAM, my spiritual life has fallen apart. It seems I needed the environment of YWAM to seek Jesus but that's wrong. It's time for me to take hold of my own desire for Him and put it into practice. No more excuses or saying I don't have time or don't know how. Of course I do, and God is seeking me! All I have to do is turn around and face Him.
3. Dying Desires-- I have stopped dancing, writing, singing, playing guitar, baking and just about everything else I used to love to do. My desire for life giving activities is dying and I want to see the passion revived.

So.. What's Next?
It's time for some goals, ones you can help me be accountable to. I've tried to do this all on my own and I fail.. epically. I'm open for comments, suggestions, criticism.. anything you can throw at me. Isn't that the point of a blog?

1. Healthy Lifestyle--
<> No more dairy..
<> Run 3x a week
<> Begin to cut out refined sugar
2. Passionate Prayer Life--
<> Seek Jesus in the am.. 6:30 M-F, 8:30 Weekends
<> Keep a prayer journal daily
<> Switch the way I seek Him regularly
3. Refueled Aspirations--
<> Blog more-- that's where the writing comes in
<> Write one song a month
<> Bake something to give away once a week

I understand that that's a lot of goals.. and it'll take a while to nail them down and give it my all. But I'm ready. I'm ready to live a more fulfilling life because that is what Jesus has called me to.. here it goes..

1 comment:

  1. Well, I don't know how much help I can be.. but.. I'll be your running partner if you'd like one! My butt needs to get back into shape, amongst other things. I'll even bake with you! You're a very inspiring person, you'll be able to accomplish all of these things. :) Especially with the help of God.
