Sunday, January 9, 2011


Once upon a time.. I was passionate about words. So much that I lived and breathed writing and became infatuated with spelling out all aspects of my sleepless mind. But somewhere in there, time came in and took that love away from me only allowing me slivers of remembrance.

Why is it that the things we love fall away and we are left with pieces in the end? Who wants pieces.. who wants the leftovers of a heart torn and worn? As writing was taken away from me, I too was taken from my Savior. How? By my own sinful desires and inconsistencies. I know.. horrible comparison but God makes connections in the strangest ways. He speaks in more ways than we usually admit or allow and if we would simply open our eyes we would see Him writing love letters to us constantly in daily life.. we just have to slow down enough to open them. If you leave them left unopened long enough, you'll wind up down the road with a love you never wanted.. a love of sin and the things of this world.. while God's love letters speak so beautifully of grace, mercy and peace and give us glimpses of paradise.

What hurts more is leaving those letters left unanswered. Reading them and tossing them into a pile to be forgotten. What if Christ forgot about us? That's hard to comprehend because He never, ever will. He is the lover that will never cease to love and encourage. He gently corrects and guides us towards reconciliation. Then why is it so hard to forget about Him? Why do we allow ourselves to fall away when His love is so welcoming.. These things I never will understand. I can contemplate them day after day with no comfort on my own accord. If we would simply open ourselves up to the Father we would understand what He has for us. But the less we seek Him, the more busy we get, the more answers we try to find on our own.. the further away from Him we find ourselves. So the answer is easy, yet it is still difficult! Chase after God's heart and you will find it. Strive after His will and He will come through in His own way.

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