Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Beautiful India.

Oh what it's like to post a blog again.. reminiscing all the while.

I am currently in India.. yes, I realize that I've been here for over a month with little or no communication but the thought jumped into my head that I do indeed have a blog and it is perhaps time to tell everyone that I'm alive.

India is beautiful. The People, the chaos, the language, the food. I can't get enough of it. There seems to be nothing more exhilirating than jumping in an auto rickshaw and weaving in and out of traffic taking in the many sights and smells. The people we have met are so friendly, they definitely have mastered the art of hospitality and as soon as they meet you they reply, "Here's my number, call me and we will have a meal together." They are so warm and welcoming, it makes me wish that the west would adopt more of the eastern mindset of family and togetherness.

I haven't had much opportunity to do photos which has made me quite sad.. but I plan on taking a day for a photo excursion to document this awe-inspiring city. God has been doing amazing things.. opening the hearts of people, allowing divine appointments with people that needed to see His glory and love. Just this morning I was out on the balcony of our flat worshipping and I could hear a faint voice through the sound of my iPod. "Hello, hello" finally I looked up to see a women on the roof of the buliding next door. "I would be more than delighted if you would join us for lunch for Puja." When would that ever happen in the States? (By the way, Sri Sri Saraswati Puja is a holiday here for the Hindu goddess of knowledge).

Well I must head out to the market before we have an all-night prayer meeting.
Love you guys!

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