Tuesday, February 24, 2009

God Does Provide.

After "hitting the wall" this last week, God started to reveal to me why He's testing me.. He's testing my trust, patience, and my very faith in Him.  It's good to know the reasons behind the seasons, eh?  So after beginning to understand His way of doing things I decided, "This is it, either you trust Him 100% now or you never will."

Here I am, being held in my Lord and savior's arms and I feel great.  Getting over the tough questions did wonders for me.. and I'm sure there are many to overcome in the future, but that's ok.  I'm trusting Him in everything, even in my finances which, let me tell you, is extremely difficult to let go of.

However, DTS as a whole is still in need of $22, 500 by Friday.

But God is already moving in amazing ways and He WILL provide.
As Psalm 23 says, "The Lord is my shepherd" and He will remove all fears from our hearts and longs to bless us as His followers.

1 comment:

  1. So let me tell you a miracle story.

    Last year when I was getting ready to go to Nicaragua I was pretty care free about the money issue, I knew the money would come. It always does. At the beginning of the fundraising season I received and anonnymous FIVE HUNDRED dollar donation! It was so amazing. I then was able to raise 300 dollars by working for Mrs McDougal, scooping poop, cleaning house and the like. 3 days before I was to leave I got a call from the volunteer leader saying I was $400 short. Panic hit.
    I called Paige, the Peace and Hope correspondent and she never returned my call.
    At the airport I told her... hey I have like $200 in my savings what am I going to do?

    "Don't worry about it a donation came in yesterday."

    !!! God is awesome!!! Tori I know that God will provide you with whatever it is that you need. Believe in it as much as you believe in the sky above your head. : ) I love you Tori, always prayin for ya. Have a blessed week.
