Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Power of Prayer.. Like WOAH

This week our speaker is Nick Savoca and he has been talking about the Father Heart of God.  It's been awesome.  Another amazing thing is Nick is the inventor of the Prayer Station, which God showed to him some years ago.  Tonight we had the opportunity to take prayer to the streets through the Prayer Station and it was AMAZING.

First, let me tell you what a Prayer Station is.  It is a table set up with a banner hung above it that simply says "Prayer Station" or "Place of Prayer."  Then we all stand around it and walk/talk to people and pretty much just say, "We're out here praying for people and I was wondering if I could pray for you."  Simple, yet so powerful and needed.

When we first got out to Copley Square and set up our Prayer Station, I was nervous.. but I knew I had to give it a shot.  I got a lot of rejections at first and I wanted to quit but God reminded me that it wasn't about me at all, so I kept on truckin' and boy, am I glad I did.

I just felt the Holy Spirit take over me and soon I was singing songs while waiting for people to walk by and I was filled with joy.  Although I only got to pray with two people, a lot of people were interested in the fact that we were out praying and a lot of Christians I talked to asked if they could pray for us.

One woman that I prayed for really blessed me; God definitely led me to her.  I walked up to her and started to tell her that we were praying and asked if she wanted any prayer.  She replied, "Do I have to do anything?"  The answer is, no, we just want to pray for you, no gimmick.  So I asked her if there was anything in particular she wanted prayer for and she told me she was pregnant.  So I prayed for God to bless her and her unborn baby and to keep both of them safe and healthy, a very simple prayer.  When it was over, she had a huge smile on her face and said, "That was so amazing!"  Then she thanked me and gave me a HUGE hug.  She was a complete stranger that God brought joy to through prayer and she boosted my spirits for the Lord and for prayer.  It was such a blessing.

Prayer is a way of life, not just a pastime.  If we can trust God to do wonders through prayer, He will provide, in the good times and bad.  He is so amazing and I pray that all the people we talked to or passed by will be blessed.


  1. i like this one :D
    could you pray for me torsque?
    for school, and money and life, pretty much.
    that would be fab

  2. OH Tori! That gave me goosebumps. SO AWESOME!!! I swear everytime I read your blogs I just think how much I want to know Jesus more and more and I think I am so distracted but I always return to the center focus which is Jesus! I'm so glad I know you and I'm excited to see you again and give you a big hug and hear all your amazing God-sized stories!!!!! I love you!
