Tuesday, February 10, 2009

To Africa or Not to Africa: that is the question.

Wow. God is moving in my life and it is an absolutely amazing feeling.  While spending time with God, I asked Him to start to reveal His heart for me.  That's when I got a picture of my head and it zoomed in to my brain to show photographs of African children and then it panned out to show my heart.  With every beat of my heart, another photo of African children would emerge.


I've really been asking about work with children lately so that was huge confirmation.  I've always known that I have a gift for working with children but God has been reminding me continuously lately in intercession, prayer and quiet time with Him.  Furthermore, every time we do intercession in a group, we get something about Africa and the youth there.


So I searched for children's ministries in Africa and the first one to pop up on the page was:


Its a Christian based orphanage that works with HIV/AIDS children in Uganda.  The volunteers coordinate programs including normal school subjects, art, dance, sports and health classes.  The orphanage has a school for the orphans as well as for children in the community whose parents can't afford to send them to school.  The cost of living as a volunteer there is EXTREMELY cheap.. they need help like crazy.

So I'm going to be praying a LOT about it.  If you would please support me in prayer, it would be greatly appreciated.

I love you all and miss you lots.


  1. Wow Tori! African children- That is so exciting! I have heard about the Ugandan children 3 times in the last 5 days...Maybe God is trying to tell me something, too! I will be praying for you! Miss you but am glad you are right where you are supposed to be!

  2. Thank you Terri! That is amazing. I miss you too! I hope all is well back home. =]

  3. that's so awesome Tori! God is so amazing...
    He's also doing some incredible things in my heart :)

    miss ya.

  4. Maybe South America will be changed to Africa! It's very exciting and I will be praying for you. I miss you like crazy.

  5. Tori,
    My cousin went to the same place in Africa.. she said it was the most rewarding thing she had ever done, and God is really working his way through Africa, I really hope you decide to go. Praying for you.

  6. Hi Tori!
    You know Dad and I will support anything that God directs you to do, but know that God still has plans for you there in Boston and on your outreach trip. Sometimes we jump too fast and think that we've totally figured out God's plan. So be patient while you are at DTS and allow God to continue to talk to you and unfold what he has in store for you. We'll continue to pray for you as you seek His will. Love you and miss you oodles! Mom
