Thursday, November 4, 2010

in need of a muse.

how is it that when i long to write the most, i don't have a single muse? this depresses me.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


What does it take to be great?

One might say that greatness can be taught.. while I believe this is true, I don't believe that an unwilling individual can merely be taught to attain eminence. Greatness requires passion and fervent pursuit. I have passion and I'm ready to pursue the dreams that God has sown so delicately in my heart.. I will chase desire as long as I'm breathing.

You may ask, "What are you passionate about?"

I am passionate about the smiles on children's faces.. ones that withstand hardship, pain and suffering and endure through the trials that the world has laid heavy upon them. I am passionate about seeing individuals' faces light up for the first time when they feel God's unending love. I am passionate about working hard for change in a broken world because I know my God is so much bigger than the destruction. I am passionate about worshipping Jesus, in spirit AND in truth and I will sing until I can't find the words to describe His beauty and will press on even still. I am passionate about capturing truth, beauty, pain and every other emotion on film and exposing it raw and unrefined in its natural splendor. My passion runs deep and wide and will not be suppressed.

So what are you passionate about? Pursue it til the end because Christ's passion took Him to the cross.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

a song in my soul.

My life is a song lately. Every lyric I hear fuels my heart and each step that I take. I just want to melt away into the rhythmic beauty and dance the day away. I wish that the world could mold to the song that's in my soul and live in harmony amidst the sweet highs and lows of the treble and bass. I could sit for hours strumming the same chord pattern, letting my heart wander where it likes because that's where I feel God the most. My life is a song and His have beautifully composed the days into a work of genius that is an outward expression of His awe-inspiring love. As long as He is the songwriter, I'll dance the day away.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Here it goes..

I am tired of living a life of mediocrity. Always saying, "I'll start that tomorrow.." or "maybe someday.." It's time for today.. for a change that will last, something sustainable. So here I will document my journey, my struggles, and my triumphs through Christ.

The Breakdown--
1. Gluttonous & Out of Shape-- This is an area I have struggled with for years. To begin with, I am lactose intolerant, sensitive to sugar, and turn to food for just about everything. God has really highlighted gluttony as a major shortcoming in my relationship with Him and I'm sick of it. I am 20 years old and feel like I'm 40..
2. Lame Relationship with Jesus-- Since returning from YWAM, my spiritual life has fallen apart. It seems I needed the environment of YWAM to seek Jesus but that's wrong. It's time for me to take hold of my own desire for Him and put it into practice. No more excuses or saying I don't have time or don't know how. Of course I do, and God is seeking me! All I have to do is turn around and face Him.
3. Dying Desires-- I have stopped dancing, writing, singing, playing guitar, baking and just about everything else I used to love to do. My desire for life giving activities is dying and I want to see the passion revived.

So.. What's Next?
It's time for some goals, ones you can help me be accountable to. I've tried to do this all on my own and I fail.. epically. I'm open for comments, suggestions, criticism.. anything you can throw at me. Isn't that the point of a blog?

1. Healthy Lifestyle--
<> No more dairy..
<> Run 3x a week
<> Begin to cut out refined sugar
2. Passionate Prayer Life--
<> Seek Jesus in the am.. 6:30 M-F, 8:30 Weekends
<> Keep a prayer journal daily
<> Switch the way I seek Him regularly
3. Refueled Aspirations--
<> Blog more-- that's where the writing comes in
<> Write one song a month
<> Bake something to give away once a week

I understand that that's a lot of goals.. and it'll take a while to nail them down and give it my all. But I'm ready. I'm ready to live a more fulfilling life because that is what Jesus has called me to.. here it goes..

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Our souls were created to yearn.. to desire something far more than our minds can ever begin to comprehend. The beauty of the yearning ignited deep within the darkest corners of our being is that you don't have to understand to move.. to act.. to believe and belong. But the irony of yearning is that you realize when what you are yearning for is distant.. when it is a mere brush away. And the further you allow that yearning to dissipate.. the deeper you feel the sense of being alone grow. You see, when what we yearn for slips from our grip we too fall from our reality into an existence that challenges the truth that sets us free.. colors become less vibrant, sleep becomes more inviting, and a melancholy that is immeasurable begins to ensue.

Each day I slip farther away from God..
when I give up on the desire to yearn something more.
and each day it's a battle to keep Him at the center.
but I'll press on..
and seek Him harder than the day before.
to ensure that this beautiful yearning remains
vibrant and true.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Conviction is something that has quickly become a constant in my life.. much different than it's counterpart of guilt, God uses it to challenge and refine us. The pounding of my heart as the realization takes full hold of emotion reminds me that being in God's will is not for the weak or faint of heart. As His unending love seeps into the depths of our reality, we cannot help but begin the painful transformation into a sold-out follower of Christ, our example. This life does not come without burden, but promises a horizon of challenges, pain and temptation. I can think of nothing more that I would long to pursue than to be purged of these shortcomings and made blameless in the sight of my heavenly Father, a daughter worthy of love. But that's the beauty of grace.. the fact that I will never achieve perfection and will always be stained and worthless by comparison is the manifestation of the love so freely given. God is the essence of all that is holy, true and right.. I am nothing. But where my nothing is offset by His everything, a collision of mercy, love and righteousness meets my filth and I am lovingly reconciled to my Maker.

Isaiah 1 will tear you up.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Where is the balance? Between a heart that screams for your desires, a soul that yearns a greater call and a mind that halts all movement. The inner struggle that consumes longs to force fear and doubt into the truth that was so freely given.. this is the battle, one birthed at the beginning of time. The enemy lives for nothing more than to see us paralyzed, apathetic at best until life itself slips from our grip. But my God will not stand for this.. No, He is far more than the powers of this world and already has the victory. So I will press on and hold His heart as the promise of a life He has well kept for me. A greater day where all is restored back to His all-consuming compassion and favor. And the beautiful thing is that Satan hates nothing more than when we take our sorrows and turn them into joy. We have known no pain as great as our Savior's. Step out and take a risk because Christ risked it all upon the cross.

But in every way we show we are servants of God: in accepting many hard things, in troubles, in difficulties, and in great problems... We show we are servants of Christ by our pure lives, our understanding patience and kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by true love, by speaking the truth, and by God's power. We use our right living to defend ourselves against everything.
2 Corinthians 6:4, 6:6-7

Sunday, March 28, 2010


There is a conflict inside pulling me in directions I have never been.. and I am fighting it.  Fighting it for reasons unknown and far too diverse to name.  To say that I've settled is not something I am attuned to state but others have decided upon its validity.  Where do I go from here.. my heart is calling out to the ends of the earth, awaiting the day when the winds of change will call me home.  Home is not a place.. but rather a state of being.  Where all falls in place and breathing is freeing.  So I here I will stay and dream of this day with a passion that will never fade.  Because my God is bigger than the "others" and has given me a promise to chase.. the promise that He has placed a destiny inside of me that is more overwhelming than words and as far reaching as the heavenly realms He holds intertwined in His fingers.  Beauty is beckoning.. God has my captured my heart and He I will forever pursue beyond the understanding of this world.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I realize that I am rather vague in my writings.. so here I will clue you in on what's happening in my life.

God has led me to make the decision to stay in Cheyenne until He releases me to "go" again. During my time here, I plan on taking advantage of the wonderful Hathaway money that the state of Wyoming hands out and will be attending LCCC beginning this summer. Other than that, I feel extremely drawn to connect with God's work that is going on within the city. God has emphasized this as a "sowing season" where I will grow deeper in my relationships here and dig in to work towards His heart. I am so stoked to see what God has during my time in Cheyenne and I can't wait to seek after Him with all of my friends here. We're in for a crazy time.. because He's got something BIG in store for all of us.

This is definitely the hardest decision I've had to make, but nonetheless, rewarding. It is so easy for me to use missions as a way of running away (thank you for helping me realize that Heather), hiding behind the problems of the world and never facing what God wants to work on in my own life. So Jesus, here I am.. all of me. I'm ready now.

Friday, March 12, 2010


a subtle comment spurred me to search the inner workings of my confusion and pen an exhaustive interpretation..

or, perhaps, brief.

Culture shock is an accessory I am not fond of. I've spent the past year transitioning from one world to the next.. whether it be as minute as the brush from mid-west hospitality to the rather reserved east coast or the clock-turning journey around the world to a country as opposite as India.. my head has been left in a somewhat unmanageable stupor. However, "unmanageable" may be a bit harsh..
Character is built in the moment when the life others have promised is just across the water but making the conscious decision to follow Christ in the opposite direction.
I find that such is the season..
a season of sowing in a land
yet completely foreign.
Only God knows the outcome of our actions.. for now, I will obey as best as I know how. And perhaps one day.. I will be able to write in hand less cryptic.. Enjoy.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Just yesterday, I was talking to God about feeling old.. I have this fear of growing up, of becoming old. It seems irrational, but I can think of nothing I fear more. God has placed so much passion inside of us.. our hearts beat to dream.. to never let a day pass without letting our minds wander down paths of the places we wish to go. I think it's a blessing and one that I would love to fully understand. I am not ashamed to say that I don't desire a life of consistency, I live for adventure.. for the adventure that Christ died to give me and knitted far before I was thought of. I want to take hold of that adventure and let God take me where he will. Life is beautiful.. and I want to be a part of it.

What's your adventure?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Beautiful India.

Oh what it's like to post a blog again.. reminiscing all the while.

I am currently in India.. yes, I realize that I've been here for over a month with little or no communication but the thought jumped into my head that I do indeed have a blog and it is perhaps time to tell everyone that I'm alive.

India is beautiful. The People, the chaos, the language, the food. I can't get enough of it. There seems to be nothing more exhilirating than jumping in an auto rickshaw and weaving in and out of traffic taking in the many sights and smells. The people we have met are so friendly, they definitely have mastered the art of hospitality and as soon as they meet you they reply, "Here's my number, call me and we will have a meal together." They are so warm and welcoming, it makes me wish that the west would adopt more of the eastern mindset of family and togetherness.

I haven't had much opportunity to do photos which has made me quite sad.. but I plan on taking a day for a photo excursion to document this awe-inspiring city. God has been doing amazing things.. opening the hearts of people, allowing divine appointments with people that needed to see His glory and love. Just this morning I was out on the balcony of our flat worshipping and I could hear a faint voice through the sound of my iPod. "Hello, hello" finally I looked up to see a women on the roof of the buliding next door. "I would be more than delighted if you would join us for lunch for Puja." When would that ever happen in the States? (By the way, Sri Sri Saraswati Puja is a holiday here for the Hindu goddess of knowledge).

Well I must head out to the market before we have an all-night prayer meeting.
Love you guys!