The best part about life... food. It may sound strange but food encompasses more than we could ever imagine! Food is what brings us to the table with those we love and keeps us "hungering" for new flavors. It brings the spice to our lives and the FLAVOR. Food is so versatile, colorful, and all around wonderful. Let's journey this thing together and see what we may eat!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
in need of a muse.
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
a song in my soul.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Here it goes..
I am tired of living a life of mediocrity. Always saying, "I'll start that tomorrow.." or "maybe someday.." It's time for today.. for a change that will last, something sustainable. So here I will document my journey, my struggles, and my triumphs through Christ.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
There is a conflict inside pulling me in directions I have never been.. and I am fighting it. Fighting it for reasons unknown and far too diverse to name. To say that I've settled is not something I am attuned to state but others have decided upon its validity. Where do I go from here.. my heart is calling out to the ends of the earth, awaiting the day when the winds of change will call me home. Home is not a place.. but rather a state of being. Where all falls in place and breathing is freeing. So I here I will stay and dream of this day with a passion that will never fade. Because my God is bigger than the "others" and has given me a promise to chase.. the promise that He has placed a destiny inside of me that is more overwhelming than words and as far reaching as the heavenly realms He holds intertwined in His fingers. Beauty is beckoning.. God has my captured my heart and He I will forever pursue beyond the understanding of this world.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
God has led me to make the decision to stay in Cheyenne until He releases me to "go" again. During my time here, I plan on taking advantage of the wonderful Hathaway money that the state of Wyoming hands out and will be attending LCCC beginning this summer. Other than that, I feel extremely drawn to connect with God's work that is going on within the city. God has emphasized this as a "sowing season" where I will grow deeper in my relationships here and dig in to work towards His heart. I am so stoked to see what God has during my time in Cheyenne and I can't wait to seek after Him with all of my friends here. We're in for a crazy time.. because He's got something BIG in store for all of us.
This is definitely the hardest decision I've had to make, but nonetheless, rewarding. It is so easy for me to use missions as a way of running away (thank you for helping me realize that Heather), hiding behind the problems of the world and never facing what God wants to work on in my own life. So Jesus, here I am.. all of me. I'm ready now.
Friday, March 12, 2010

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Just yesterday, I was talking to God about feeling old.. I have this fear of growing up, of becoming old. It seems irrational, but I can think of nothing I fear more. God has placed so much passion inside of us.. our hearts beat to dream.. to never let a day pass without letting our minds wander down paths of the places we wish to go. I think it's a blessing and one that I would love to fully understand. I am not ashamed to say that I don't desire a life of consistency, I live for adventure.. for the adventure that Christ died to give me and knitted far before I was thought of. I want to take hold of that adventure and let God take me where he will. Life is beautiful.. and I want to be a part of it.
What's your adventure?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Beautiful India.
I am currently in India.. yes, I realize that I've been here for over a month with little or no communication but the thought jumped into my head that I do indeed have a blog and it is perhaps time to tell everyone that I'm alive.
India is beautiful. The People, the chaos, the language, the food. I can't get enough of it. There seems to be nothing more exhilirating than jumping in an auto rickshaw and weaving in and out of traffic taking in the many sights and smells. The people we have met are so friendly, they definitely have mastered the art of hospitality and as soon as they meet you they reply, "Here's my number, call me and we will have a meal together." They are so warm and welcoming, it makes me wish that the west would adopt more of the eastern mindset of family and togetherness.
I haven't had much opportunity to do photos which has made me quite sad.. but I plan on taking a day for a photo excursion to document this awe-inspiring city. God has been doing amazing things.. opening the hearts of people, allowing divine appointments with people that needed to see His glory and love. Just this morning I was out on the balcony of our flat worshipping and I could hear a faint voice through the sound of my iPod. "Hello, hello" finally I looked up to see a women on the roof of the buliding next door. "I would be more than delighted if you would join us for lunch for Puja." When would that ever happen in the States? (By the way, Sri Sri Saraswati Puja is a holiday here for the Hindu goddess of knowledge).
Well I must head out to the market before we have an all-night prayer meeting.
Love you guys!