Friday, January 23, 2009

Intercession, Taxi Man and more Intriguing stories

Can I just say that intercession completely rocked my world today?

So Jill Bills was here this week to teach us on hearing God's voice and intercession and I am totally blown away by how much I have been effected by it all.  Here's an intercession story for you.. and it was out of this world.

Kirstie, Jared and I gathered our chairs and started intercession not really knowing what to expect.  Asking God to show us something, anything, all of us began to get images, words and feelings that were overwhelming.  Kirstie saw a taxi driver.  I saw inmates from above, looking through a grate in the floor and the words "Give me rest."  Jared saw a river flowing never at rest.  Ok, God.  What's this? So we went back to God and asked Him to connect our thoughts.  He showed me the scripture Psalm 32:3 "When I kept things to myself, I felt weak deep inside me.  I moaned all day long."  Inmates, right?  Prisoners of our thoughts and emotions.  Next He showed us Ecclesiastes 1:7-9 "All the rivers flow to the sea, but the sea never becomes full.  Everything is boring, so boring that you don't even want to talk about it.  Words come again and again to our ears, but we never hear enough, nor can we ever really see all we want to see."  River, eh?  Finally, Hebrews 4:6-7 "It is still true that some people will enter God's rest, but those who first heard the way to be saved did not enter, because they did not obey.  So God planned another day, called "today."  He spoke about that day through David a long time later in the same scripture used before: 'Today listen to what He says.  Do not be stubborn.' (Psalm 95:7-8)"  Does that not scream, "Give me rest?"

So God's like HELLO.  Then I got a picture of hands raised in the air in total submission to God.  The three of us started to work it out and realized that all three of us had been held prisoner by our own skepticism... whether it be with giving up control to God or following what He asked us to do.  We will never get our fill of God.. just like the sea will never become full because of the rivers running into it.  We will never find rest though until we surrender our lives to the Lord.  We need to listen to Him and follow what He asks of us and never doubt Him.

This was an eye-opening experiencing.  Remember.  Entering into intercession, we didn't discuss any of the things I mentioned nor did we have an agenda.  God started with a clean slate and painted a picture that deeply effected the three of us.  One, we agreed, we all needed to see.


Ok.  Taxi Man.

Walking home to Emerson Street, Amber, Savannah and I were just talking, laughing and doing our usual thing when out of no where this van comes screaming down the street, screeching tires and all.  We all did the girl thing, running in circles, screaming before we lined ourselves up as far over to the side of the road as we could.  That's when he decided to SLAM on his breaks and stare/glare at us for what seemed like an eternity WITH THE WINDOW DOWN.  Who does that?  Then he sped off again and left us scared and confused.  So we took off running, freaked out because this creeper just about killed/abducted us with his crazy taxi van.  So we're running... out of breath... scared to death when we hear more screeching tires!  Was it the taxi man? Who knows, we started to sprint down the road and couldn't even collect ourselves.  It happened again about a block down the street and Amber hurled herself behind a large snow drift leaving Savannah and I to fend for ourselves.  That's when we ran into Aaron, Jared and Lucas who intervened and may have saved our lives.  I know, I'm a little melodramatic.  Anywho.. all I can see in my mind is that creeper Taxi Man and his van with only one headlight hunting us down.


1 comment:

  1. Ok, 2 amazing stories but at totally opposite ends of the spectrum! I'd like to hear more about intercession... it's not something I've ever heard of at least not the way you experienced it. As far as the mad taxi man, just hope your Dad doesn't see this - he'll freak - and you know what I mean! He was soooo excited to talk to you today! We both miss you but know without a doubt that this is what you need to be doing! A box is on its way with something a little special for you and your roomies plus some warm boots (not for your roomies!). Love ya!
