Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Now I can finally breathe..

So I'm in Boston and it is amazing!  It is so different from Wyoming and it is going to be great for me to experience such a counter-culture.  Everyone here is so open and friendly and I can tell we will be tight.. that's fo sho.  As soon as I got to our base, they put me on the task of making brownies for dinner.  We have even started sharing our testimonies and it is so humbling to hear everyone's love for God.  I love that we are already forming our YWAM family. =]

A little sad though.. United put my bags on the wrong flight so I am still awaiting their arrival.  I guess this is an answer to my prayers.. I asked God to make me content with what I have and He has definitely been giving me a lesson tonight.

Well I'll keep in touch.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't heard if your luggage arrived but prayed all night that it did. Despite that problem, it sounds like you're loving it there already. Brownies, huh? How much of it actually made it into the pan to bake? Cool that you are sharing testimonies. It can humble us all to hear what God can do in even the messiest of lives. He is an amazing, awesome God and I am so proud that you are serving Him with your whole mind, body and soul! Later gator! Love ya, Mom :)
