Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today was.. interesting.  The morning and our "lecture" (quotes because it's actually fun and enjoyable) was amazing.  We are talking about intercession and learning the voice of God.  It was amazing for me to hear that a relationship with God shouldn't be something scary or formal.  It's something real, genuine.. a friendship.  No one had ever told me that I should EXPECT God to answer me when I talk to Him, and knowing that makes a real difference.  I feel like I can have a real conversation with Him now.  In our quiet time, He showed me two images that will forever stick in my mind.   1) A seed growing into a flower- this showed me that God still has a lot more to teach me and that I am still growing and learning how to walk with Him.  2) Me sitting in the exact room in which I was doing my devotion with what I presume Jesus to look like holding me in His arms- while I saw this, He was letting me know that I'm not alone.  I had expressed to Him earlier that I was frustrated that I couldn't hear Him and those images made it all worth while.  I won't go into detail about the other things.. It was all so personal, so real, so amazing.  God surprises me every day.

Now to the LOST/interesting part.  Savannah, Amber (two of my housemates) and I decided to walk to the downtown area of Newton to go to Stop & Shop (a grocery store).  We walked all the way up Pearl Street and headed onto the main street and with full confidence headed to the left, never stopping to glance to our right.  So we're walking and talking, laughing the whole way and taking in the scenery.  Five stores pass, then ten, then a Dunkin' Donuts.. and we keep walking.  Pretty soon we hit a residential area.. ummm.. yeah.  "Where in the heck are we?!"  We were all totally turned around and had no clue where to turn.  By this point, we had been walking for almost half an hour.  We tried flagging down people in cars to ask where the stupid Stop & Shop was.. the only person that rolled down his window wasn't from around here.  Once we felt completely defeated in that area, we decided to walk back in the direction from which we came.  So we stopped at Dunkin' Donuts, the addiction of the East coast, and got coffee to warm up and saw two cops sitting in the corner.  Unfortunately, none of us could work up the courage to ask them so we talked to the girl at the counter and found out we had gone in the completely wrong direction.  WoW.  That's where we ran into Jon and Matt and they decided to join us on our excursion.

So off we head in the opposite direction and eventually find the Stop & Shop.  Thank the Lord.  Second dilemma.  Once we were finished shopping, we couldn't find Pearl Street!  Mind you, nearly three hours had already passed.  Needless to say, we were tired and a little cold but it definitely made for a good story.  I know it's not as funny on here but getting lost in a new place is always exciting.

Well I miss you all and Love you. Blessings.

1 comment:

  1. Well, at least you got to see some of the sights around your neighborhood! And what a bonus to have found (and enjoyed!) a Dunkin' Donuts... I'm jealous! Amazing too how God talked to you through images during your quiet time. He will use our hearts and minds as a canvas if we allow Him to. Love ya Rita! (You might have to explain that to anyone reading this!) Mom :)
