Thursday, March 5, 2009


How is it that I am constantly surrounded by people yet I feel so alone?

I am so empty.. I am completely drained.  When will I be filled up again?  A series of events have left me in this state and I can't even begin to describe the way I am feeling.  I am tired.. I've got to get over it and focus but for some reason I can't come to grips with it all.

1 comment:

  1. Never, ever feel alone!

    ...I have very similar feelings. I've actually posted about it as well. I go to a school with 25,000 kids, and I feel empty. I've been looking for answers...transferring schools to be with people that really make me feel good (this seems to be the most logical, I've been looking into it...these people are a blessing), looking for other outlets, making small lifestyle changes, becoming more involved at church...nothing seems to be a sure answer. Life sometimes seems monotonous! Let's try to put a positive end to all of this empty madness.

    I'm praying for you. :)

    --Your first-grade best friend.
