Wednesday, March 4, 2009

With Everything.

Break down our pride
And all the walls we've built up inside
Our earthly crowns and all our desires
We lay at Your feet
With everything
With everything
We will shout for Your glory
With everything
With everything
We will shout forth Your praise
Everything.  That is key.  For so long, I've held things back. Held them back from God, back from my family, my friends... everyone.  Now, everything is spilling out and everything that I have, all that I am, is being surrendered to God.  It's a painful process, but a good one at that.  I know that the end is greater than anything I could ever imagine.  God planned my life before I was even born, He planned all the things I would do, all the places I would go, the people I'd love, He knows it all.  So why am I afraid to let things go?  I am afraid of the unfamiliar, the uncomfortable.. I am afraid that if I don't have a plan for EVERYTHING that it will all fall apart.  But God is breaking me of that and it's extremely liberating.  I serve a God that does not judge, that does not turn me away.. My God is loving, compassionate, powerful, and so much more than I could ever describe. He holds me when I'm scared and lifts me up when I rejoice, He's everywhere.. always in my heart, my thoughts, and the very depths of my soul.
I am loving every second I spend with Him, every word He gives me, and every vision that He plants in my mind God has a purpose for all things and it's been amazing to see the things He has promised come to pass.  I'm so thankful to have such an amazing Father, friend, Savior, and all other names that could be devised for Him.  God is, hands down, the most amazing 'person' I have ever met..  Its so personal to have a relationship with Him, not to just read about Him in the Bible or cower under his enormity.  But to have a real friendship and understanding with Him.
Forever in love and awe.

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