Monday, March 9, 2009

Lovin' It.

We have an outstanding teacher this week.  Her name is Brenda Lewis and she's asking us to question all of the things we have viewed as truth.  There is only one truth, and that is Jesus and all other truths branch off of Him.  It was so liberating to sit there and say, "Why do I agree with that?"  "Why do I follow that rule?"  "Why do I worship in that way?"  

One thing that really struck me was when Brenda said, "We're religious and we don't even know it."  We need to move away from the traditions of the "church" and live the way Christ lived.. instead of getting caught up in church politics, we should be out on the streets loving on people the way He did.  After all, we ARE the church.. correct?  But we've got it in our heads that the church is a building and a place we go once a week to get our fix.

Now ponder this.. what if we didn't go to church?  What if we just lived out the principles of the Bible and went out and DID something?  I'm not saying abandon the church and the people that attend it, but we get our heads filled with all of these amazing ideas, prospects, teachings, etc. and what do we do with them?  We let them mill around in our heads and quickly out our ears and we sit back and don't do a thing.  Sure, we nod our heads and think, "Wow, that's exactly what I need to do," but when reality sets in, we do absolutely nothing.

Jesus was out there.  Trent Shepherd has been speaking to us on Thursdays and he's challenging us just as much as Brenda.  Who was Jesus as a person, not a God?  You see, we have no problem with referring to Him as an all-knowing being in the sky but Jesus was just as much of a person as He is God.  Jesus had radical views and He had the most amazing guidance and teaching of all, the teaching that came directly from His Father in Heaven and what did He do with that information?  Did He sit back and say, "Yeah God, that's some awesome stuff but I'm a little too busy to apply it.  Besides, what does it have to do with me anyway?"  If He did, we would have NO hope in life.  He took the information, it soaked in, permeated His being and He went out and told everyone of His Father!  Now you may be thinking, "I'm not Jesus, so it's not my job" but that's a lie.  We were called to take the Good News to the ends of the earth and I don't know about you, but I plan on obeying that call.

I am completely fired up right now, and it's stellar.  It's so freeing to have something to care about!

1 comment:

  1. Jesus saved my life!!! Haha YAY!!! Wouldn't it be cool to live like Jesus? Just walk around healing people and telling them about God? WOAH yea Jesus rocks.
