Saturday, March 7, 2009


Last night was rather strange seeing as half of my team went to lead worship at a youth group, leaving the other half of us to chill at the base.  It made me realize how thankful I am to be a part of such an amazing group of people.  Everyone is here for a reason.. reasons that a lot of us haven't found yet, and when half are missing you see the incredible dynamic we all have together.  Every person here has something different to bring to the team, a different personality, different way of thinking, different way of even dressing and we fit together perfectly.  This includes staff as well, with half gone, it just didn't feel like the real YWAM Boston team.. It didn't feel like the YWAM family. =]

On the other hand, it was great to bond with Heidy, Joanna, Sarah, Jessica, Amber, Matt and Joe back at the base.  We had so much fun practicing our dances for outreach, laughing, and just being crazy.  Trust me, when we all start the dancin', there's no stoppin' us.

Afterward, I got to spend some one on one time with one of my housemates, Amber.  I love getting to know people on a more personal level and we did exactly that over Starbucks frappuccinos.. which is quite a luxury nowadays.  It's so incredible to see someone's heart and to hear all of the things on their mind.. all of us are growing so close and I wouldn't trade it in for the world.  I can't wait for the coming months and for outreach.  God is doing incredible things.

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