Monday, March 23, 2009

Sleepless Nights

Don't you hate it when you know you are tired.. but you can't sleep at all?  That's how I've been for the past week.  I am so beat but when my head hits the pillow, I'm wide awake and my mind wanders, thus spiraling me into an even more sleep-deprived state.  I try to force my eyes close so that I can sneak in a few moments of rest, but it doesn't seem to work.  I've got to find a way around this so that I can be productive!  I even go to sleep far before curfew and I still am not asleep by the time 11 rolls around.. and then 1 passes, and 2, and 3 and so on until my alarm goes off.  It's not refreshing in the least.

Any suggestions from people that may have similar problems? Ha. I'm desperate.


  1. aww :( Tori I'm sorry that's really poopy. I know funds are small for you but have you ever drank chamomille tea? that always knocks me right out. it's tasty and makes me super sleepy. I guess I can't really say much more, I normally can fall asleep after about an hour. maybe you should just pray yourself asleep. I don't know, I'm sure you've tried that but I hope you get some sleep soon lady! I love you.

  2. with all the stuff going on, your mind is probably too busy to rest right now.

    what I do when I'm finding it hard to sleep is to spend about 10 minutes before bed just writing out my thoughts and then letting them all go until the next morning.

    I hope you're have fun Tori. I miss you tons.
    jazzy cat. :]

    pssss. my knee is doing much better. and, I'm going to get to job shadow my surgeon this summer!

  3. have you tried a caffeine-less day?!
    i also heard you're not supposed to have caffeine after the morning.
    maybe that's what it is?
    you could always go run around to tucker yourself out, but not right before bed! haha
    hope you find sleep!
