Thursday, March 19, 2009

Of three things, I'm sure

I've found a few things out about myself and I'd say that they are pretty crucial..

1) I have a servant heart-- I want to be doing something all the time.. I want to bake for people, cook for people, take someone out for coffee, watch someone's kids, work (I know that sounds crazy but I love it), love on people!  And I'm restless here because I feel like I have so much going on that that gets pushed to the side.
2) Evangelism isn't one of my gifts from God-- Although we are all called to tell others about our faith in Christ, God has really shown me that He wants me to reveal that to others through actions, not words.  (Hence the servant heart)
3) I want to know more about God-- 100% and I get so distracted here because I'm always in lecture, arts classes, work duties etc.  I need a relationship with Him and I don't find that through the classes, I need so much more one on one time and sometimes I feel like He's on the back burner when in all reality, He's the whole reason I'm here.

I need to hash these things out.. And writing them down is the best way for me.  So God and I have a lot to talk about.. Love you guys.

1 comment:

  1. I understand all of these feelings. Praying for you find balance in all of this, and peace.

    You do have a servants heart for sure. I see it in your kind words, and in little things I notice about how you treat others. I wish we had another word for evangelism, cause it is more like relationship than something we do or have a gift for... more like friendship...

    more like letting people know they are loved. Right now, you might not get the word part, but the gifts are released as we love and are with people. Jesus loved in deed, and the Bible is also filled with His amazing words. His words will fill your heart and pour from your lips to others.

    Your words will bring comfort and touch people along with your actions showing the way of following Him. And I know God knows your heart that longs for Him. You will find Him, even in the most simple things. Someone is singing in your house next door. It is beautiful. I enjoy everything you write as it is from a tender heart... an unmistakable follower of Jesus.
